Poem: Subliminal Stimuli

Subliminal Stimuli

Blips too abrupt to capture consciously
Enchant you, planting seeds of new desire —
So goes the story. In reality,
These cues nudge extant wants a smidgen higher,
Supporting choices you’ve already made;
Or, oftener, they do nothing at all.
No adman pushing nuts and lemonade,
No brainwasher who plots a country’s fall
Exerts control through millisecond flashes.
The myth persists; it whispers you might find
Excusing factors when commitment crashes,
Veiled saboteurs who’ve undermined your mind.
Evading notice in plain sight, meanwhile,
Real motives amble, dressed in bare denial.

About Coleman Glenn

I'm a New Church (Swedenborgian) minister, currently serving as chaplain and assistant professor of religion at Bryn Athyn College. Also, I dabble in poetry.
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